New Program ‘Victory: van Bingen tot Boogie’

This coming Saturday our program “Victory: van Bingen tot Boogie” premiers at November Music, a festival for contemporary music in Den Bosch. As part of this program, we asked the three composers Joost Kleppe, Aspasia Nasoupoulou and Lucas Wiegerink to create a trilogy. Each composer created one part of this musical triptych, inspired by the famous painting Victory Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondriaan.

Layered art

In an interview with Lucas, composer of “Last night I dreamed a new composition”, he explains how the painting inspired him to write this piece. He researched the history of the painting and its creator and found that Mondriaan used many layers to create this famous work of art. Equally, “Last night I dreamed a new composition” consists of many musical layers. See part of the interview in the video above.

Visual art that inspires musicians

The clear lines and forms of Mondriaan and De Stijl can easily inspire musicians: by posing strict rules and restrictions the most beautiful things can originate. Wishful Singing aims to showcase this phenomenon in their new program.


Apart from the Mondriaan-inspired pieces, Wishful Singing performs several colorful choir pieces by Von Bingen, Pisano, Bach, Vanessa Lann and even the Jacksons:

See the “Victory: van Bingen tot Boogie” tour dates here. This project is kindly supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL / Fonds Podiumkunsten.


Program brochure 2020-2021 available now

Our new program brochure for season 2020-2021 is now available for download through this link.

Meet our new alto: Janneke Vis!

Since january 2019, Janneke Vis is our new alto. We have already made a good start with her and are looking forward to cooperating with her. Janneke discovered her passion for singing during her psychologie studies, after which she studied…

An a capella ode to muse, mother and majesty: Maria

In their new programme ‘What about Mary?’, Wishful Singing brings an ode to the most versatile woman ever: Maria. The five singers prove that Maria is an important source of inspiration for their music and wisdom. In this new programme,…

‘Victory! – from Bingen to Boogie’ in Doesburg & Utrecht

At the moment we’re roaming through the Netherlands and Germany with the new Wishful Singing program ‘Victory! – from Bingen to Boogie ‘. This Sunday 18 February we’ll perform it at the Gasthuiskerk in Doesburg, and on Friday, February 23rd…
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